Friday, March 20, 2009

Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki

Oleh: Marsigit

Wahai Capteu, aku telah menerima pesan agar disampaikan kepadamu.

Pesan apakah itu dan dari siapa?

Pesan dari Monasiu

Siapakah Monasiu itu?

Dia adalah penguasa kita. Dia yang berhak mematikan dan menghidupkan kita setiap saat. Tiadalah daya upaya kita tanpa dirinya.

Baiklah sebutkanlah apa pesan dia kepadaku.

Pertama, dia menuliskan selembar surat pertama yang isinya permintaan agar engkau menyimpannya.
Kedua, dia membuat dokumen agar engkau mencetakya.
Ketiga, dia membuat rumus-rumus, tetapi meminta agar engkau menghitungnya.
Keempat, dia menunjuk dokumen, dan ,meminta agar engkau menyalinnya.
Kelima, dia menulis surat dan memeinta agar engkau mengirimkan ke temannya.
Keenam, dia membutuhkan gambar, dan meminta agar engkau menyimpannya.
Ketujuh, dia ingin pidato, dan meminta agar engkau menyimpannya.
Kedelapan, dia menunjuk beberapa dokumen, dan meminta agar engkau menghapuskannya.
Kesembilan, dia menunjuk beberapa dokumen, dan meminta agar engkau memindahkannya.
Kesepuluh, dia menunjuk suatu dokumen, dan meminta agar engkau mengeditnya.

Baiklah, semua akan segera saya kerjakan satu persatu dengan kecepatan tinggi dan hasil yang memuaskan.

Wahai haradiso, simpanlah semua dokumen-dokumen itu termasuk perintah-perintahku. Simpan pula semua rencana-rencanaku.

Wahai starago romao, ini ada beberapa dokumen penting dari monasiu. Maka simpanlah dalam dirimu. Tetapi jangan lupa, simpanlah semua perintah-perintahnya, data-datanya, dan tetaplah engkau disitu menjaganya sampai dia mencabut kekuatanmu.

Wahai starago ramoa, ini ada beberapa dokumen penting dari monasiu. Maka simpanlah dalam dirimu. Tetapi jangan lupa, simpanlah semua perintah-perintahnya, data-datanya, dan tetaplah engkau disitu menjaganya dan mempertahankannya, jika perlu sampai titik darah penghabisan.

Wahai paranto, ini ada beberapa dokumen penting dari monasiu. Maka cetak segeralah dokumen-dokumen itu tanpa keragu-raguanmu.

Wahai contorola, kendalikan semua perintah-perintahku. Pastikanlah bahwa semua perintah-perintahku dilaksanakan dengan baik.

Wahai manatora, bukalah jendelamu agar engkau mereka dapat melihat semua diri kita ini. Biarkan mereka mengetahui pekerjaan kita. Jangan engkau tutup-tutupi semua simpanan kita ini. Maka sebenar-benar fungsi dirimu adalah untuk memberi penerangan, sampai monasiu mencabut semua kekuatanmu.

Wahai falasa, engkau adalah anak kesayangan dari haradiso. Maka dengan keterbatasan dirimu, engkau masih mampu berperan sebagi haradiso. Maka simpanlah beberapa dokumen penting dan yang siap digunakan.

Wahai intoranot, sampaikan pesan-pesan dari monasiu. Ketahuilah bahwa pesan-pesan itu sesungguhnya bagi teman-temannya yang jauh.

Wahai manatora, sampaikan berita kepada monasiu bahwa semua perintah-perintahnya telah aku laksanakan.

Wahai monasiu. Perkenankanlah aku menyampaikan pesan dari capteu bahwa semua pesan dan perintahmu sudah dilaksanakannya. Maka semua nasib-nasibku itu terserahlah anda.

Wahai semuanya, sangat senanglah diriku mendengarkan engkau semua telah melaksanakan pekerjaanmu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tetapi ketahuilah bahwa aku tidaklah bisa menjaga dirimu setiap saat. Oleh karena itu sekarang engkau semua aku perkenankan untuk beristirahat. Dan untuk itu maka akan segera aku cabutlah semua kekuatanmu itu.

Orang tua berambut putih:
Wahai mahasiswaku semua. Inilah sebenar-benar teka-teki bagimu. Maka tugas-tugasmu adalah untuk menjawab siapakah monasiu. Siapakah manatora. Siapakah capteu. Siapakah intoranot. Siapakah falasa. Siapakah haradiso. Siapakah contorola. Siapakah paranto. Siapakah starago romao. Siapakah starago ramoa. Dan siapakah koyber. Sebenar-benar jawabanmu ditunggu di kolom comment pada elegi oleh Pak Marsigit.


Yunian Tri Rusandi said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hi Sir. How are you? I hope Dr. Marsigit always healthy every day.
It's my first comment, so I want to try speak about your study method, because I feel something different of your study method. We must make a circle sit and accept your lecture. There is not stance between the lecture and the students. I agree with your statement, because we can accept your lecture and ask about something easily.
Today I have read your new posting, for first reading I feel confused, but I want read again until I understand and I hope I can complete my task later.
OK, I hope I can study English very well.
Thanks Sir.

Aan Hendroanto said...

assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Hi Sir. I have read your article "elegi menggapai teka-teki"
I don't understand this article because it is too difficult to be understood..
I will try to read again until I can answer your question in this article..

thanks Sir

ridwan putunaja said...

hi sir,,i'm sorry if i can't understand what your means on your written,i really confuse read your posting, but i will try again, i'll read until i know what your aim,thanks


Asaalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Well, I think it is a good puzzle. But I still do not understand the meaning from that puzzle. Also, I still do not understand purpose that puzzle’s dialogue. Okey, I will answer questions from the puzzle.
I think Monasiu like a God of can extract live someone and can give alive to someone.
Then, I think Manatora is a true someone or an angel. Hope she or he can always honest to everyone.
Well I thnk Capteu is a someone get order from Koyber to fill all duty from Monasiu.
Then Intoranot I think he or she is a someone get order from Capteu to finished the messages from Monasiu. The messages to her or his friends (Intoranot).
Then, I think Falasa is a darling son from Haradiso.
Then, Haradiso I think he or she is someone get order from Capteu to save all documents and her or his (Capteu) plans.
Then Contoralo I think he or she is someone get order from Capteu to control all Capteu’s orders.
Then, I think Paranto is someone get order from Capteu. He or she is get duty to print all Monasiu’s documents.
Then, Starago Ramoa I think she or he is someone get order from Capteu to save all Capteu’s documents before Monasiu extract Storago Ramoa’s live.
And then, I think Koyber is someone get order from Monasiu to Capteu.
Well, the questions was I answered. I hope I get perfect mark from Mr. Marsigit.
Thanks a lot.
I’ll waiting the reply comment’s Mr. Marsigit. : )
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hi,sir.I am sorry because I am new opportunity to open your articles.
Sir,I have read repeated times your aricle,but I cannot answer all the Question in yor's very dificult.But I wiil try to mention who is some person in your articles.In my opinion"monasio is a god "Allah SWT",Koyber is a god'angel.and strago romao is a human.Just its can I mention.I apologize if I'm wrong to mention.Sir its very dificult but in my opinion your articles have meaning any sense of human obligation to God, all the trust given to the gods of men.
Sir the first I read yor articles, I do not know why I have feel sad. I do not know what the actual meaning of the puzzle in the article and the meaning of it.
Sir,I hope,someday you can bring me answer about your puzzless in your articles because I curious about it.Thanks a lot

agusthina_nick said...
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agusthina_nick said...

This is my first comment. I've read your riddle.
It was the interest riddle.
But, I'm still not understand and can't answer it.
I'll try to read it again and answer the question.
I'll send the next comment to you later.
Thank You Sir..
(Agustina Manik Mat NR'08)

Winda Oktavia said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning Sir.
I have read your newest article which title is "elegi menggapai teka-teki". I will try to answer this puzzle, but before I answer it I apologize to you because I can't mention all of your question.
In my opinion, monasiu is our God,Allah SWT. Koyber is an angle who deliver the message from Allah to us. Capteu in here is our self, human who must do the God command. Haradiso is our brain, and falasa is the second brain in our body that is spinal marrow. Sir, I just can mention it, I'm sorry if it's wrong. I feel difficult to answer all of your question. But I will try to read again until I can answer all of your question in this article. I hope someday you can give me and answer about your puzzle.
Thanks Sir......

Dzaki Zaki Amali said...

Dzaki Zaki Amali

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Morning sir
what is the meaning of Elegi? I can't understand about your puzzle article. Maybe I must read hard for know the meaning of your puzzle and I will answer your questions

Adittria Setiawan said...

Hai Sir... I thinks this puzzle is so good, but I'am very difficult to me understand because this article is universal..
Maybe, Monasiu is power of all in some instantion. So he control all with his ask. Then capteu is a director, intoranot is who send all information and other, like a post oficcer.Haradiso is a manager program. Starago maybe is a saver.Then,paranto is a publisher. Falasa maybe is a seccertary, she must backup all file.
This is my argument about this article... I’ll waiting the reply comment’s Mr. Marsigit.
Thank's Sir...

lesmaapriasuti english1 said...

I really like all the fathers of mathematics articles written language with the hope english.I with the subjects English I. I can improve my English skills, especially English mathematic.for to my article-writing articles that the father provides an explanation for the very useful I learn to understand mathematics by using the English language.

OK, I hope I can study English and I hope can be like the father.
Thanks Sir.

MAS ROAT said...

assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
hi sir.when i read the arthicle,i don't know what the purpose the Mariit's written??

the article"Elegi menggapai teka-teki"
that is true puzzle.and can make I confusing,the story is very difficult to understand.but I will try to more specific in I read it.

that's my comment to the article,thanks before,. . .
wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Marchalia said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good night, Sir...
It's my second comment,
After i read,, this article is very interest n different of all article..
But, I still don't understand with all what you said and i can't answer all of your question..
according to my opinion,,
I think monasiu like god who give power n rule all life form in this universe.

I hope, I can answer all of your qustion,,
thank you, Sir.

Rully Yuniarti said...

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Hi, Sir !
After I read article Mr. Marsigit, I'm conpused. I want to try for answer that article, but I must read again for more understanding. I hope can to get that answer.

Thank You, Sir 1

Nur Septiana Sasmita MAT NR 08 said...

assalamualaikum wr.wb

mmh i think i very confused of your puzzle article. i promise i will more study hard to understand what the meaning of your article. :)

thanks a lot.
wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Rerir RA said...

Rerir RA
assalamualaikum wrwb
yes Sir I understand about your puzzle it is about computer which contents hardwere , softwere , and brainwere. And primary is brainwere or human or mansiu. Mansiu is manusia in language indonesia

RIYANTO said...

I hope we always in God's guidance.
My opinion with Mr.Marsigit's puzzle, he tittle "elegi menggapai teka-teki", I will try answer that.
koyber is soul, cepteu is as we, manasiu is God, haradiso is brain, srango romao is faith, poranto is do, contorola is desire, monatora is morals, falasa is think and intoranor is goods entrusted.
My be, that my opinion's, the last asy thank to Mr. and all my friends.
Wassalamu'alaikum said...

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Sir, I was reading a rticle about "elegy menggapai teka-teki" and I confused with it, might be because not understand..
But I was reading this article more than one times, unfortunately this problem apear again..
I Hope I can understood this it very well..
Thanks Sir.

Evy Damayanti said...

It's so great!
I have never read a article like this before.Please give me a little time to find the answer. yeah, next time. I've difficulties to understand the concept of articles. Every sentence contain a wise word which have purpose to train my brain thinking more. Yeah sir, I'm so interested to find the solution.

siti kuryati said...

assalamu'alaikum Sir.....
maybe because i haven't known about filsafat yet, or maybe because i really do not know about what you mean in Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki, so that i haven't read it till the end. Because i don't understand and really confused with some sentences. I'm really Sorry Sir....maybe i will try to understand it later. Oh Ya Sir, my new assignment has been sent but it is not completed because I haven't told the fourth till the sixth videos.There is certain reason. Maybe I will tell it in the new entry(different posting from the last one)
thank you very much Sir.
i will hope to be better in ecerything we do.

ria intan permatasari_08301241017_P.Mat Sub 08 said...
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ria intan permatasari_08301241017_P.Mat Sub 08 said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

honestly,your article is good sir.
but i can't understand some part of your article.
maybe, i must study philosophy first.
because i think that your article is full with philosophy.
maybe i'll read it again.
so i can answer your question.
i hope i can understand it quickly and as soon as possible, i can answer the question.

hendra_awan said...

Assalmu'alaikum Sir...
How are you?
After I'm read the artikel "Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki", I'm confused. For conceive your article I need for many times. Probable, for other article I hope I can comment to you.
Thank Sir,...

Dr. Marsigit, M.A said...

Dear all students,
Yes I understand that you are confusing of the elegi. This is just for additional challenging for you. Howevr, please you focus on your posting about your reflection in participating the lesson.

Amalia Annisa said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb, Sir!! it is very interesting elegi but it is also confusing.. i have read this 3 times.. but i still don"t understand perfectly.. but i will try to answer the questions,, a have 2 perseption with the answer of this elegi.
First, Monasiu is God, Allah who command us. Koyber is the distributor or someone who asked to give us informations from God. Capteu is us or human who asked to do god's order. Haradiso is our main memory, brain. Storago romao is other's memory but i don't know what is it. Paranto is our work result(i'm not sure with it). Conrotalo is someone who ordered to control Capteu's work. Manitora is our mouth. Falasa is our body's parts which can save our information temporarily like eyes, ears atc. and inorator is our connector to ohers like our writing, our speaking..
second, if those all are things so Monasiu is human or brainware. Koyber is Keyboard. Capteu is Computer, Haradiso is harddisk. Storago romao is memory storage. Paranto is printer. Contorola is software (i don't know exactly with this). Manitora is monitor. Falasa is files. and Intoranot is internet. That is my answer.. but i wil read it again and i hope i can understand well.. thanks,Sir..

Lingga MATR08 said...

Hello Mr....Upright...Idon't understand in your articel..about who are capteu, intoranot, falasa, haradiso, contorola, paranto,starago ramoa, and koyber. My opinion, they are a kind of computer tools and software. My be kind of thinks program when capteu is central from the other as regulator, contorola as controller of activity, haradiso as saver from files, etc. This my opinion... I to obliged your opinions..thanks a lot...
Walaikumsalam wr.wb.

nisa ul istiqomah said...

assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
ok sir,my comment in this "elegi menggapai teka-teki" is...
I think that elegi like a computer sytem,monasiu is the person is using computer.
I think, koyber is a keyboard computer,where is it has a function to write,make,etc.
I think capteu is a software,it is given a work by a person.
I think manatora is a monitor
I think haradiso is a hardisk
I think paranto is a print
I think contorola is a control
I think falasa is a flash disk
Then,I think intoranot is a internet.
I'm sorry sir,I don't answer the 'Starago ramoa',
Please..., Mr can give me the answer.
Thanks a lot sir.
I will be waiting the replay mr.Marsigit comment.

tyas wirani said...

Interesting riddle that I've read. I think those names might be taken from parts of computer and also a man.

Haradiso : hard disk : a place to save tasks
Storago Romao : storage room : a place to keep the storage datas and instructions
Paranto : printer : the interpreter of documents
Controla : controller : to control everything that done by other parts
Manatora : monitor : it's used to show every informations
Falasa : files : tasks or instructions
Intoranot : internet : one alternative to help us to find knowledge
Koyber : keyboard: a thing as media to do instructions
Monasiu : man : the one who gives all tasks and instructions

I've already done the latest posting. But I found difficulty to upload math equations in blogger. So that I used images and also PDF which is can be downloaded. Thank you.

Wisnuningtyas Wirani
PMR 08

Aan Hendroanto said...
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Aan Hendroanto said...

hello Sir..
I have completed your riddle. I had discused this riddle with myfriends and I think that:
- monasiu is human
- capteu is computer
- koyber is key board
- haradiso is hard disk
- storago romao is storage room or storage device
- monatora is monitor
- controla is controller
- paranto is printer
- falasa is files
- and intoranot is internet

I had discused this riddle with Tyas and Ita.
I think that is very interesting for me..


Husna Arifah said...
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Husna Arifah said...
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Husna Arifah said...

we want to guess it..
we are :
1. Miftakhus Sholikhah
2. Ni Kadek Dianita
3. Ria Intan P
4. Husna Arifah
and we are from Mathematics Education reg '08

our answers are:
it all about the computer and human as the user.

monasiu is human.
manatora is monitor
capteu is computer
intoranot is Internet
falasa are files
haradiso is hard disc
controla is control
paranto is printer
starago ramoa is storage rom
and koyber is keyboard

we are really sorry if there are any mistake in our answer.


puput said...

hi Sir, good afternoon,
I'll try to answer your "elegi"
I think that are names of some part of computer
Monasiu : brain ware--> human
capteu : CPU
koyber : keyboard
haradiso : hard disk
paranto : printer
contorola : controller
monatora : monitor
falasa : flash disk
intoranot : internet
but I don't know what is starago romao and starago ramoa.
i think some part of computer that I didn't know the name

thank you
M. Putrining Tyas/08301241037
PMR 08

Muhamad Abdul Rosid said...

Its a fantastic Elegy, i think. Because we need to read and learn it carefully. We must repeat in reading it again and again. We will get a lesson from this elegy. By reading and learning it, we will be more careful in facing something.
But now I want to try to guest the "object" mentioned above. I guest that
1. Monasiu is the God of infinite power
2. Koyber is an Angel of the revelation of God
3. Kapteu is a Prophet, the messenger of God
4. the other is human

oktaviana English2 2009 said...

I will try the puzzles and I hope you do not slip away
I think you're discussing the fact we live in this world.
I looked monasiu is god(I understand that is God). Koyber is the angel of God is.
manatora. capteu. Intoranot, falasa, haradiso contorola paranto. starago romao starago ramoa koyber is rosul the angels and God. I understood then that I understood capteu as the prophet muhammad the teachings of God in His people. while the angel Gabriel is koyber. But for others I can not explain who one by one.

desi said...

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Good afternoon, Sir.
In this time I just want to say about English lesson until this time. Sir, I want to say that I was very surprise when you asked us to prepare an examination last week, 2 April 2009. Really, I had no preparation before. Yah, I realize that it's my mistake as a student. But I want to say "Thank you" because you that you have made me realize that I must manage my time properly again.

Rahma Meigarini said...

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

I think this book is good because there told us how to learn and understand mathematical formula-the formula in math. Knowledge given to us should be stored in our memories, if necessary until the end point of blood.

siti kuryati said...

assalamu'alaikum Sir,
well....I haven't read all of your last posted in elegi menggapai teka-teki. And i haven't understood yet about what you mean to. but well, i will try later. Ehm, Sir...may I ask you? If we have posted to blog, may it be edited? thanks you very much.

NiLuh Sulistyani said...

Good afternoon Mr,.

wow,your posting about "elegi menggapai teka-teki" very interesting for me.

I read, I try to understanding the containing but it is difficult. I try and try again, I read and read again and finally I near understand about your writing.
I will try to explain the result of my understood.

I think it is an illustration about human especially the relation between God,Teacher or lecturer and student in processing the knowledge.
The relation be illustrated with the working of computer.

My argument,
Monasiu is human the operator of computer.
capture is computer that is place and object to process knowledge.
Intoranot is internet
Falasa is file
Hardiso is hard disk
Contorola is CPU
Paranto is printer
Starago romao is memory of the computer
Starago ramao is storage
koyber is keyboard.

That's all my reason.
thank you for your attention.

Anonymous said...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
When you write in Blog(Elegi), you usually express your toughts in whole heavy sentences. Each sentences made up of various kinds of heavy words. In my opinion, kinds of names were written by you are parts of computer. I think is that means that there are some sample kinds of tools or euquiments either used everyday in our life. Thus,in facts we can't do anything without something help us. Thogh, that is'nt representation of your sentences, but i hope it can be some part of your elegis mean.
Thaks a lot for your attention.

Nevi N said...

Sir, I have tried to understand what the content of "Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki". I have read this reading three times and I still confuse.
I am only understanding just a little.

In my opinion, Monasiu is God. Capteu and other figures at this reading are angel.
Maybe only that I able to understood. I am sorry if my answer is not true.
Thank you


assalamu'alaikum, sir...
i've read your article
honestly, i have little bit difficulties when i'm reading
but i'll try to answer your question
i think monasiu is God (Allah SWT)
koyber is angel
capteu is ourselves (human)
while contorola, haradiso, etc , they are like some software and hardware in a computer, like contorola as controller, to control what will we do. haradiso is hard disk (i guess you did some inovation or improvisation in english word into spanish word like (such "hard disk" changed in to "haradiso", and then "keyboard" into "koyber", something like that).
anyway, i'll continue...
storage romao is ROM (read only memory), a tool to save data in computer remanently, and storage ramoa is RAM, a tool to save data permanently.
well, i think the important message is we can't do everything without people helping.
we must do anything together (if we can;t do that by own self).
thank you
i'm sorry for my mistake in writing in english.
please, correct my comment, with my pleasure..
wassalamu'alaikum. wr. wb

ety antikasari said...

Ass....good morning Mr.Marsigit
I read article "Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki" but I don't understand with it.But in my opinion, monasio is Allah SWT but koyber is angle. Really, human own Allah SWT and we will come back to Allah. So, we must pray with Allah Swt. The human always has mistake so we must effort and pray with Allah SWT

ety antikasari said...

Ass....good morning Mr.Marsigit
I read article "Elegi Menggapai Teka-Teki" but I don't understand with it.But in my opinion, monasio is Allah SWT but koyber is angle. Really, human own Allah SWT and we will come back to Allah. So, we must pray with Allah Swt. The human always has mistake so we must effort and pray with Allah SWT

isrovi said...

I have read the story from the father. but only a few of my stories from catching it.
I think the story is very good to us.

Endra Ari Prabawa said...

I think it is a series of computers that people use. Sir, I want to learn how you can pour in ideas such as the elegy, so the more interesting to be learned, im so sorry because i just to open your blog ...

jockmath said...

Sorry Sir,
at this section, I don't answer your question because some of the comments above are given it.
I'll give a simple reflection of Koyber's questions:
I had to keep mey inisial document showing that I have;
I had to learn all existing knowledge and develop it;
I had to keep my knowledge and the later share them with others;
So, if I am abandoned by mya teacher, my professor, I still have the power.

-Joko Sunarno- said...

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Hi, Sir. I have read your posting "elegi menggapai teka-teki"
I try to understand it but I feel very confused to answer it. I just find one of your puzzle, Monasiu. my opinion, monasiu is the God, Alloh who can can extract live everyone and can give alive to everyone. and the others, I don't find answering of your puzzle. I hope that you can explain me about your puzzle,
thank you very much, Sir
may I can learn english with you very well..
wassalmu'alaikum wr. wb said...

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Hi, Sir. I have read your posting "elegi menggapai teka-teki"
I try to understand it but I feel very confused to answer it. I just find one of your puzzle, Monasiu. my opinion, monasiu is the God, Alloh who can can extract live everyone and can give alive to everyone. and the others, I don't find answering of your puzzle. I hope that you can explain me about your puzzle,
thank you very much, Sir
may I can learn english with you very well..
wassalmu'alaikum wr. wb